去 去动词1.(用在动词后, 表示动作离开说话人所在地) 进去 go in; 拿去 take it away; 上去 go up; 把这个给他捎去。 take this and give it to him. 蜜蜂向花丛中飞去。 the bees are flying into the flowers.2.(用在动词后, 表示动作的继续等) 信步走去 stroll along; 让他说去。 let him talk.; let him say what he likes.
去掉 do away with; get rid of; abandon; put off; clear away; throw out; cast; eradicate 去掉不良作风 get rid of a bad style; 去掉杂质 get rid of foreign matter; 去掉遮蔽物 unshroud; 去掉外皮 de-can; 去掉臭味 deodorize; 去掉光泽 blind; 去掉套环 untoggle; 这个字是多余的, 可以去掉。 this word is redundant, it can be left out
…来 …去 (表示动作的不断反复) back and forth; over and over again 翻来复去睡不着 toss and turn in bed; 飞来飞去 fly back and forth; 考虑来考虑去 turn sth. over and over again in one's mind; 挑来挑去 pick and choose